ORA-00214: control file '/u01/oradata/prod/control02.ctl' version 9242741
inconsistent with file '/u01/oradata/prod/control01.ctl' version 9099820
Its because of the inconsistency between the mirrored copies of the control files.
All copies of the control file must have the same internal sequence number for oracle to start up the database or shut it down in normal or immediate mode.
Causes of the problem ORA-00214 includes,
1. You have restored the control file from backup, but forgot to copy it onto all of the mirrored copies of the control file as listed in the “CONTROL_FILES” parameter in the initialization parameter.
2. Improper Copy paste of the control file to a different location while the database is up and running.
4. The database or the system crashed while the mirrored copies of the control file were being updated, causing them to be out of sync.
5. Not proper Shut down of the Oracle Machine. Like power failure, disk failure, Memory Failure
Startup the database with single copy of the Control File. That should be a good copy.
To verify that
13:17:06 [SYS][PROD]>> show parameter control_files
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
control_files string /u01/oradata/prod/control01.ctl,
1. Shut Abort
2. If you are using pfile, Edit init.ora file. Remove all the control file Except the Good one. Try One by one. Most probable highest Version Number will work.
3. If you are using spfile;
startup nomount. Then Set your control_file to the good one.
SQL> alter system set control_files=’/u01/oradata/prod/control01.ctl’ scope=spfile;
System altered
4. Startup restrict [If its working]. Shut down the database. Copy the good control file and Mirror it if not try with the other control file
SQL> shutdown immediate
cp /u01/oradata/prod/control02.ctl /u01/oradata/prod/control02.ctl_bkp
cp /u01/oradata/prod/control01.ctl /u01/oradata/prod/control02.ctl
SQL> startup nomount
SQL> alter database mount;
SQL> alter database open;
SQL> select name,open_mode from v$database;
If instead you get ORA-1122, ORA-1110, and ORA-1207, go back to step 2 and try with another control file.
If you have already tried each and every one of the mirrored copies unsuccessfully, you must create a new control file for the database.
If you get ORA-1113 and ORA-1110 pointing to one of the datafiles, it means the copy of the control file you picked is good, but the referenced datafile must be recovered before the database can be opened.Then RECOVER DATBASE, apply the log it prompt and ALTER DATABASE OPEN.
inconsistent with file '/u01/oradata/prod/control01.ctl' version 9099820
Its because of the inconsistency between the mirrored copies of the control files.
All copies of the control file must have the same internal sequence number for oracle to start up the database or shut it down in normal or immediate mode.
Causes of the problem ORA-00214 includes,
1. You have restored the control file from backup, but forgot to copy it onto all of the mirrored copies of the control file as listed in the “CONTROL_FILES” parameter in the initialization parameter.
2. Improper Copy paste of the control file to a different location while the database is up and running.
4. The database or the system crashed while the mirrored copies of the control file were being updated, causing them to be out of sync.
5. Not proper Shut down of the Oracle Machine. Like power failure, disk failure, Memory Failure
Startup the database with single copy of the Control File. That should be a good copy.
To verify that
13:17:06 [SYS][PROD]>> show parameter control_files
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
control_files string /u01/oradata/prod/control01.ctl,
1. Shut Abort
2. If you are using pfile, Edit init.ora file. Remove all the control file Except the Good one. Try One by one. Most probable highest Version Number will work.
3. If you are using spfile;
startup nomount. Then Set your control_file to the good one.
SQL> alter system set control_files=’/u01/oradata/prod/control01.ctl’ scope=spfile;
System altered
4. Startup restrict [If its working]. Shut down the database. Copy the good control file and Mirror it if not try with the other control file
SQL> shutdown immediate
cp /u01/oradata/prod/control02.ctl /u01/oradata/prod/control02.ctl_bkp
cp /u01/oradata/prod/control01.ctl /u01/oradata/prod/control02.ctl
SQL> startup nomount
SQL> alter database mount;
SQL> alter database open;
SQL> select name,open_mode from v$database;
If instead you get ORA-1122, ORA-1110, and ORA-1207, go back to step 2 and try with another control file.
If you have already tried each and every one of the mirrored copies unsuccessfully, you must create a new control file for the database.
If you get ORA-1113 and ORA-1110 pointing to one of the datafiles, it means the copy of the control file you picked is good, but the referenced datafile must be recovered before the database can be opened.Then RECOVER DATBASE, apply the log it prompt and ALTER DATABASE OPEN.