Sunday, February 16, 2014


Got the above error while starting up test instance in nomount from prod instance where as prod is a Cluster database.
-bash-3.2$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Feb 9 20:03:36 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup nomount;
ORA-29702: error occurred in Cluster Group Service operation

SQL> shut immediate;
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
SQL> exit

-bash-3.2$ cd cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
-bash-3.2$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
-bash-3.2$ pwd

-bash-3.2$ make -f rac_off
rm -f /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/
cp /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib// /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/
rm -f /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/
cp /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib// \
/usr/bin/ar d /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a kcsm.o
/usr/bin/ar cr /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/ksnkcs.o

-bash-3.2$ make -f ioracle
chmod 755 /u01/app/oracle/testdb/bin

 - Linking Oracle
rm -f /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/oracle
gcc  -o /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/oracle -m64 -L/u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/ -L/u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/ -L/u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/stubs/
   -Wl,-E /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/opimai.o /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/ssoraed.o /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/ttcsoi.o  -Wl,--whole-archive
 -lperfsrv11 -Wl,--no-whole-archive /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/nautab.o /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/naeet.o /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/naect.o /u01/app/oracl
e/testdb/lib/naedhs.o /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/config.o  -lserver11 -lodm11 -lcell11 -lnnet11 -lskgxp11 -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcor
e11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 -lclient11  -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11 -lknlopt `if /usr/bin/ar tv /u01/app/orac
le/testdb/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a | grep xsyeolap.o > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo "-loraolap11" ; fi` -lslax11 -lpls11  -lrt -lplp11 -lserver11 -lclient11  -lvsn11 -lc
ommon11 -lgeneric11 `if [ -f /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/libavserver11.a ] ; then echo "-lavserver11" ; else echo "-lavstub11"; fi` `if [ -f /u01/app/oracle/oa123t
st/lib/libavclient11.a ] ; then echo "-lavclient11" ; fi` -lknlopt -lslax11 -lpls11  -lrt -lplp11 -ljavavm11 -lserver11  -lwwg  `cat /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/ldf
lags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnro11 `cat /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/ldflags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnnz11 -lzt11 -lm
m -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 -lztkg11 `cat /u01/app/oracle/oa1
23tst/lib/ldflags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnro11 `cat /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/ldflags`    -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnnz
11 -lzt11   -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 `if /usr/bin/ar tv /u01
/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a | grep "kxmnsd.o" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then echo " " ; else echo "-lordsdo11"; fi` -L/u01/app/oracle/testdb/ctx/lib/ -lctx
c11 -lctx11 -lzx11 -lgx11 -lctx11 -lzx11 -lgx11 -lordimt11 -lclsra11 -ldbcfg11 -lhasgen11 -lskgxn2 -lnnz11 -lzt11 -lxml11 -locr11 -locrb11 -locrutl11 -lhasgen11 -lskg
xn2 -lnnz11 -lzt11 -lxml11  -loraz -llzopro -lorabz2 -lipp_z -lipp_bz2 -lippdcemerged -lippsemerged -lippdcmerged  -lippsmerged -lippcore  -lippcpemerged -lippcpmerge
d  -lsnls11 -lnls11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 -lsnls11 -lunls11  -lsnls11 -lnls
11  -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 -lasmclnt11 -lcommon11 -lcore11 -laio    `cat /ot0
1/app/oracle/testdb/lib/sysliblist` -Wl,-rpath,/u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib -lm    `cat /u01/app/oracle/testdb/lib/sysliblist` -ldl -lm   -L/u01/app/oracle/oa1
test ! -f /u01/app/oracle/testdb/bin/oracle ||\
           mv -f /u01/app/oracle/testdb/bin/oracle /u01/app/oracle/testdb/bin/oracleO
mv /u01/app/oracle/testdb/rdbms/lib/oracle /u01/app/oracle/testdb/bin/oracle
chmod 6751 /u01/app/oracle/testdb/bin/oracle
-bash-3.2$ sqlplus "/as sysdba"

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sun Feb 9 20:10:48 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to an idle instance.

SQL> startup nomount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 2137886720 bytes
Fixed Size                  2230072 bytes
Variable Size             452987080 bytes
Database Buffers         1660944384 bytes
Redo Buffers               21725184 bytes
SQL> exit

ORA-01450: maximum key length (3215) exceeded

Hi All,

I got below error while rebuilding the index through online.

06:19:09 [SYS][TEST]>> ALTER index PRS.UK_F_HEADER rebuild online;
ALTER index PRS.UK_HEADER rebuild online
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-01450: maximum key length (3215) exceeded


The issue was fixed with rebuilding the index without online.

06:24:30 [SYS][TEST]>> ALTER index PRS.UK_HEADER rebuild;

Index altered.


Friday, January 31, 2014

RMAN-08137 on Primary Database although Archive Destination to Standby is deferred

RMAN does not delete ArchiveLogs on Primary Database when the State for the Archive Destination to the Standby Database is set to 'defer'. When trying to delete ArchiveLogs, this Error is raised:

RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process

If we defer an Archive Destination to a Standby Database, the Primary Database will still consider the Standby Database as existing but temporary unavailable eg. for Maintenance. This can happen if you stop Log Transport Services from the Data Guard Broker or manually defer the State for the Archive Destination.

As long as the Archive Destination (log_archive_dest_n) is still set, we consider the Standby Database as still existing and preserve the ArchiveLogs on the Primary Database to perform Gap Resolution when the Archive Destination is valid again.
There are Situations when this is not wanted, eg. the Standby Database was activated or removed but you still keep the Archive Destination because you want to rebuild the Standby Database later again. In this Case you can set the hidden Parameter "_deferred_log_dest_is_valid" to FALSE (default TRUE) which will consider deferred Archive Destinations as completely unavailable and will not preserve ArchiveLogs for those Destinations any more. It is a dynamic Parameter and can be set this Way:

SQL> alter system set "_deferred_log_dest_is_valid" = FALSE scope=both;
NOTE: This Parameter has been introduced with Oracle Database 11.2.0.x. In earlier Versions you have to unset the log_archive_dest_n-Parameter pointing to the remote Standby Database to make the Primary Database considering it as completely unavailable. There also exists a Patch on Top of for some Platforms to include this Parameter in, too. This is Patch Number 8468117. 

Reff:  RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process (1380368,1)