Sunday, June 5, 2011

Relink ASM, Agent, OMS Home

. oraenv [+ASM]
# Note: cdo is a shell alias defined as: alias cdo='cd $ORACLE_HOME'

relink oracle
relink client_sharedlib
relink client
relink utilities
relink ldap
#relink oemagent - no target
relink network
relink ctx
relink interMedia

DBA Paranoia: To be doubly sure, run make files as listed in $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/make/makeorder.xml
make -f rdbms/lib/ ioracle
make -f rdbms/lib/ client_sharedlib
make -f sqlplus/lib/ install
make -f network/lib/ preinstall
make -f network/lib/ itnsping
make -f rdbms/lib/ "irman"
make -f plsql/lib/ "install"
make -f network/lib/ "nnfgt.o"
make -f network/lib/ "mkldflags"
make -f rdbms/lib/ "utilities"
make -f ldap/lib/ "clientonlyinstall"
make -f network/lib/ "ntcontab.o"
make -f network/lib/  "nnfgt.o"
make -f network/lib/  "install"  
make -f network/lib/ "ioklist"
make -f network/lib/  "iokinit"
make -f network/lib/ "iokdstry"
make -f sysman/lib/ "agent"
make -f sysman/lib/ "nmb"
make -f sysman/lib/  "nmo"
make -f sysman/lib/ "nmhs"
make -f sysman/lib/ "tclexec"
make -f rdbms/lib/ "all_no_orcl"
make -f srvm/lib/ "install"
make -f racg/lib/  "racg_install"
make -f network/lib/ "install"
make -f rdbms/lib/ "ctx_on"
make -f ctx/lib/ "install"
make -f rdbms/lib/  "ipc_g"
make -f sysman/lib/ "emsubagent"
make -f network/lib/ "mkldflags"
make -f rdbms/lib/ "idg4odbc"
make -f precomp/lib/ "links"
make -f precomp/lib/ "relink"
make -f precomp/lib/  "gen_pcscfg"
make -f rdbms/lib/ "svr_tool"
make -f rdbms/lib/ "patchset_opt"

Execute the $ORACLE_HOME/ script to reset the appropriate file permissions/flags:

Startup Oracle listener
Start up ASM instance

Relink agent home

# agentenv is a custom script that sets Oracle environment variables appropriately 
# for the agent home - all homes are using the one OS user - 'oracle'. 
# Normally I recommend one OS user per home.

. agentenv
relink client
relink oemagent

DBA Paranoia: To be doubly sure, run make files as listed in $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/make/makeorder.xml
make -f network/lib/ itnsping
make -f network/lib/ nnfgt.o
make -f network/lib/ mkldflags
make -f network/lib/ client_sharedlib
make -f sysman/lib/ agent
make -f sysman/lib/ nmb
make -f sysman/lib/ nmo
make -f sysman/lib/ nmhs
make -f sysman/lib/ emsubagent

Execute the $ORACLE_HOME/ script to reset the appropriate file permissions/flags:

Relink OMS HOme

Note omsenv is a custom script setting shell vriables for the OEM/OMS home.
. omsenv

relink client
relink network
relink client_sharedlib
relink oemagent
relink utilities

DBA Paranoia: To be doubly sure, run make files as listed in $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/make/makeorder.xml
make -f network/lib/ "nnfgt.o"
make -f network/lib/ "mkldflags"
make -f network/lib/ "client_sharedlib"
make -f sysman/lib/ agent
make -f sysman/lib/ nmo
make -f sysman/lib/ nmb
make -f sqlplus/lib/ install
make -f network/lib/ install
make -f network/lib/network/lib/ ioklist
make -f network/lib/network/lib/ iokinit
make -f network/lib/network/lib/ iokdstry
make -f webcache/lib/ install

Execute the $ORACLE_HOME/ script to reset the appropriate file permissions/flags:

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