Sunday, March 3, 2013

To find out the usage of Shared Pool in respect to MB.

With the below query you can get the Shared_pool usage on the database in MB's. You can able to find which Package/Function/Procedure is crunching the Shared Memory.

set pagesize 132
column owner format a16
column name  format a36
column sharable_mem format 999,999,999
column executions   format 999,999,999
prompt  Memory Usage of Shared Pool Order - Biggest First
column name format 45
select  owner, name||' - '||type name, sharable_mem from v$db_object_cache
where sharable_mem > 100000
order by sharable_mem desc


OWNER            NAME                                 SHARABLE_MEM
---------------- ------------------------------------ ------------
SYS              STANDARD - PACKAGE                        650,352
APPS             WSH_TRIPS_ACTIONS - PACKAGE BODY          232,064
APPS             FND_FLEX_SERVER - PACKAGE BODY            164,560
APPS             PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT - PACKAGE BODY       164,272
APPS             LA_ENHNCMTMGR_PKG - PACKAGE BODY          152,280
APPS             FND_FLEX_KEY_API - PACKAGE BODY           143,720
APPS             WSH_INTERFACE_GRP - PACKAGE BODY          124,552
SYS              DBMS_AQIN - PACKAGE                       123,504
APPS             FND_DATA_SECURITY - PACKAGE BODY          118,888
APPS             ICX_SEC - PACKAGE BODY                    100,056

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi jack,

Its very useful. Thx for posting.
Good going, keep it up.

Mahammad Rafi.

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