Monday, March 16, 2015

Determine the process which is locking an Oracle account with incorrect password

Here is the procedure to Determine the process which is locking an Oracle account with incorrect password, which search from the dba_audit_session view for records with a returncode equal to 1017 which indicate a failed logon.

column username format a15
column userhost format a25
column terminal format a15
column timestamp format a15
column action_name format a15
select username, userhost, terminal, timestamp, action_name from sys.dba_audit_trail where RETURNCODE='1017';

--------------- ------------------------- ---------- ----------- -----------
appsread              <HOSTNAME>                                    02-APR-14       LOGON
appsread              <HOSTNAME>                                    02-APR-14       LOGON
appsread             <HOSTNAME>                                     02-APR-14       LOGON
appsread             <HOSTNAME>                                     02-APR-14       LOGON
appsread             <HOSTNAME>                                     02-APR-14       LOGON

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