Sunday, September 12, 2010

Comparison Between 11i and R12/12i Patching

There is no Oracle APPS without patching, Most of the time APPS DBA will end up in applying patches for bugs in corresponding releases. We can approximate around 40% of his activity will go in patching. This topic will explain basic differences between 11i and R12 patching.
1. Patch:
Patch is a piece of code/software update for fixing a bug, adding new feature or functionality. It can be simply stated as correction or modification to Application.
2. Patch Format classification:
Ø      Standalone/One-off patch
Resolves specific bug
Ø      Minipack
Collection of one-off patches for specific module.
Ø      Family pack
Collection of minipack for particular family group.
Ø      Consolidated update (CU)
Includes recommended patches for all products, Updates apps to latest recommended patch level.
Ø      Maintenance pack
Collection of all minipacks for all products. Maintenance pack upgrades system to new point release, such as 11.5.10


In R12 patches are grouped in to code lines and associated with Code levels. Codeline includes all patches to maintain that point release.
Lets say 12.0 is the point release, it introduces codeline A. Similarly 12.1 introduces codeline B and so on.
Code level includes all bug fixes and codelevels for particular codeline. Code levels are cumulative. All code levels created after the initial point release are aggregated into cumulative release update packs (RUPs)
Base code level for 12.0 is A. Cumulated New bug fixes for products are released as A.1.
A.2 includes A.1 & A.2; similarly A.3 includes A.1 to A.3 and so on.
Ø      Individual bug fix
Similar to one off in 11i
Ø      Product Family Release Update pack (RUP)
Similar to family pack in 11i.Aggregation of all one-off in particular codeline specific to a family
Ø      Release Update Pack (RUP)
Cumulative of all Product Family RUPs.Changes version from 12.0 to 12.0.1,12.0.2 and so on.
Ø      Consolidated Upgrade
Similar to CU on 11i.Its available for upgrading R12 system from one point release to another.
3. Patch naming convention:
ü      One-off patch
Patchnum e.g.: 8234812
ü      Minipack
11. <PROD>.A e.g.: 11.AD.I
ü      Family Pack :
11i. <PROD family>. letter e.g.: 11i.HR_PF.A
ü      Maintenance pack:
11.5.x e.g. 11.5.9


The patch naming convention has changed to  R12.PROD.CL. #
Where PROD à Product (E.g. GL, OAM, AP, AR…)
CL àCode line (E.g. A, B, C…) R12.PROD.CL -> code level
#  à  Fix sets (E.g. 1,2.)
E.g.: R12.OAM.A.1
This is code level A with first set of fixes.
4. Downloaded patch Example:
11i R12        
5.Patch driver files:
An 11i patch comes with c, d, g & unified driver format. R12 patches have unified drivers.
6.Applying patch:
Use adpatch (Both 11i & R12)
Help à adpatch -help

7.Merging patches
Use admrgpch (Both 11i & R12)
Help à admrgpch -help
8.Log Files
Both 11i & R12
Patching log files adpatch.log  and adwrkxxx.log files are Located at $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/log
Restart files are Located at $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/restart
Timing report files are located at $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/out
9.MRC schema:
MRC schema is available, while executing d driver invoker rights is necessary.
MRC schema is not available, so while executing d driver invoker rights is not necessary.
10.Oracle Patch application assistant (PAA):
Not available


PAA helps users to track and perform manual steps during patching Executed by invoking
When patches are merged using admrgpch, PAA merges readme files and this avoids redundant tasks. Also it simplifies patch application by combining all manual steps
11. Customized files:
We have $APPL_TOP/admin/applcust.txt file containing records of all customized files.


Registered Flagged Files Tool in OAM records customization. Autopatch reviews AD_FILES table to check for customization

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