Sunday, September 12, 2010

How to reset or Unlock the orcladmin password

Recently while upgrading Discoverer to CP4 , we got stuck at one of the step.
This step asks for orcladmin password which was not known to us.
So , we need to reset that password.Here are the steps which we followed ;
orcladmin password lost or account locked
orcladmin password not known to us.
Solution :
1. Login as OAS user [ here testbi ] and
sqlplus “/as sysdba”
SQL>> alter user ODS identified by [new password]
2. Execute $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidpasswd create_wallet=true
3. oidpasswd connect=[connect string] change_oiddb_pwd=true
This will prompt us for old password and new password.
old password you can give the same as ODS user and unique new password.
4. To unlock the orcladmin account :
oidpasswd connect=[connect string] unlock_su_acct=trueThis will prompt for password ; enter the ODS password.Which will inturn unlock your orcladmin account.
5. To reset the password :
oidpasswd connect=[connect string] reset_su_password=true
This will prompt for new password. [keep the password same as ODS user.] and your are done.
You have successfully changed the orcladmin password.
Now, to test the password :
cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidadmin
The window will prompt for orcladmin password.
Refer :

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