Saturday, September 18, 2010

Function not available for this responsibility

Error Faced:
Function is not available for this responsibility.Contact your system
Administrator or change the responsibility
When a custom module is defined and forms are being run from this custom_top,
Forms dont run from custom top in servlet mode but run in socket mode….this is because in servlet mode the environment is read from the file
The location of the FMX files is determined by the value set for CUSTOM_TOP. If
this location is not found the error as seen is raised.
To get the custom_top defined in default.env the following steps are to be followed:

1.Submit the “Compile Security” Concurrent program with the parameter everything set to Yes to verify that all the menu functions are compiled properly.
2.Create your-own AutoConfig template file
2.1 Define a product_top
Use the Oracle Applications Manager Context Editor to add your custom product_top to the context file.
This will add the CUSTOM_TOP to the .xml file, so it picked up when the default.env is created by Autoconfig
Or if you are well acquainted with Auto-config and Context_name.xml, add the Custom top manually to Context_name.xml using any editor and save.
3.Run AutoConfig
4.Restart apps services

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