Display any long operations
set lines 100 pages 999 col username format a15 col message format a40 col remaining format 9999 select username , to_char(start_time, 'hh24:mi:ss dd/mm/yy') started , time_remaining remaining , message from v$session_longops where time_remaining = 0 order by time_remaining desc /
--------------- ----------------- --------- ----------------------------------------
DBSNMP 19:09:48 19/01/11 0 Table Scan: SYS.AUD$: 104123 out of 104
123 Blocks done
--------------- ----------------- --------- ----------------------------------------
DBSNMP 19:09:48 19/01/11 0 Table Scan: SYS.AUD$: 104123 out of 104
123 Blocks done
DBSNMP 18:09:43 20/01/11 0 Table Scan: SYS.AUD$: 104123 out of 104
123 Blocks done
123 Blocks done
DBSNMP 22:10:34 20/01/11 0 Table Scan: SYS.AUD$: 104123 out of 104
123 Blocks done
123 Blocks done
SYS 06:00:23 21/01/11 0 RMAN: aggregate input: backup 32: 117693
68 out of 11769368 Blocks done
68 out of 11769368 Blocks done
SYS 06:03:53 21/01/11 0 RMAN: aggregate output: backup 32: 11499
889 out of 11499889 Blocks done
889 out of 11499889 Blocks done
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