Saturday, January 22, 2011

Performance - Waits

  • Top ten hotest objects by touch count

  • Waits by file

  • Segment Waits

  • Time waited for latches

  • Identify hot blocks

  • Look at the performance stats for the instance

  • Top ten hotest objects by touch count

    col owner  format a20 trunc
    col object_name format a30
    col touches  format 9,999,999
    select *
    from (
     select count(*)
     , sum(tch) TOUCHES
     , OWNER
     from  x$bh x
     , obj$ o
     , user$ u
     where x.obj = o.obj#
     and o.owner# = u.user#
     group  by,
       order by 2 desc
    where rownum < 11

    Waits by file

    col name format a60
    select name
    , count 
    from x$kcbfwait
    , v$datafile
    where indx + 1 = file#
    order by 2

    Segment Waits

    select object_name
    , obj#
    , statistic_name
    , value
    from v$segment_statistics
    where owner like '&owner'
    and statistic_name like '%waits%'
    and value > 0
    order by statistic_name
    ,  value desc

    Time waited for latches

    col event format a30
    select event
    , time_waited
    , round(time_waited*100/ SUM (time_waited) OVER(),2) wait_pct
    from (
     select event
     , time_waited
     from v$system_event
     where event not in (
      'Null event'
      ,'client message'
      ,'rdbms ipc reply'
      ,'smon timer'
      ,'rdbms ipc message'
      ,'PX Idle Wait'
      ,'PL/SQL lock timer'
      ,'file open'
      ,'pmon timer'
      ,'WMON goes to sleep'
      ,'virtual circuit status'
      ,'dispatcher timer'
      ,'SQL*Net message from client'
      ,'parallel query dequeue wait'
      ,'pipe get')
      select name
      ,  value
      from v$sysstat
      where name like 'CPU used when call started'
    order by 2 desc

    Identify hot blocks
    Look at all waits for the instance
    col event format a30
    select  event
    , total_waits
    , time_waited
    from v$system_event 
    where event like '%wait%'
    order  by 2,3

    If there are lots of 'data block' waits, get a break-down of them
    select *
    from v$waitstat
    Then run this to identify the file, block and reason code...
    select p1 "File #"
    , p2 "Block #"
    , p3 "Reason Code"
    from v$session_wait
    where event = 'buffer busy waits'
    Note. You might need to run this a few times before anything is displayed.
    Look at the performance stats for the instance
    , s.value
    from v$statname n
    , v$sysstat s
    where n.statistic# = s.statistic#
    order  by n.class

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