Saturday, January 22, 2011

Structure - Tablespace

Tablespace usage

set pages 999
col tablespace_name format a40
col "size MB" format 999,999,999
col "free MB" format 99,999,999
col "% Used" format 999
select  tsu.tablespace_name, ceil(tsu.used_mb) "size MB"
, decode(ceil(tsf.free_mb), NULL,0,ceil(tsf.free_mb)) "free MB"
, decode(100 - ceil(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100), NULL, 100,
               100 - ceil(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100)) "% used"
from (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 used_mb
 from  dba_data_files group by tablespace_name union all
 select  tablespace_name || '  **TEMP**'
 , sum(bytes)/1024/1024 used_mb
 from  dba_temp_files group by tablespace_name) tsu
, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 free_mb
 from  dba_free_space group by tablespace_name) tsf
where tsu.tablespace_name = tsf.tablespace_name (+)
order by 4

TABLESPACE_NAME                               size MB     free MB % used
---------------------------------------- ------------ ----------- ------
USERS_VIT                                          25          25      0
INDX                                                5           5      1
PERFSTAT                                            5           5      1
USERS                                              25          25      3
UNDOTBS2                                        2,000       1,886      5
APP_USER_DATA                                      10          10      6
ODM                                                10          10      6
TOOLS                                             600         509     15
DRSYS                                              20          15     25
WEB_DATA                                          100          72     28
CAP_DATA                                        3,500       2,316     33
CAP_INDEXES                                     4,500       2,705     39
SYSAUX                                            350         132     62
XDB                                                60          13     79
SYSTEM                                            650          84     87
ANDY                                               10           2     88
TEMP  **TEMP**                                  1,050           0    100
TEMP_VIT  **TEMP**                                 25           0    100

18 rows selected.

Show the files that comprise a tablespace

set lines 100
col file_name format a70
select file_name
,      ceil(bytes / 1024 / 1024) "size MB"
from   dba_data_files
where  tablespace_name like '&TSNAME'

Tablespaces that are >=80% full, and how much to add to make them 80% again

set pages 999 lines 100
col "Tablespace" for a50
col "Size MB"  for 999999999
col "%Used"  for 999
col "Add (80%)"  for 999999
select tsu.tablespace_name "Tablespace"
, ceil(tsu.used_mb) "Size MB"
, 100 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100) "%Used"
, ceil((tsu.used_mb - tsf.free_mb) / .8) - tsu.used_mb "Add (80%)"
from (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 used_mb
 from    dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) tsu
,  (select ts.tablespace_name
 ,       nvl(sum(bytes)/1024/1024, 0) free_mb
 from    dba_tablespaces ts, dba_free_space fs
 where   ts.tablespace_name = fs.tablespace_name (+)
 group by ts.tablespace_name) tsf
where tsu.tablespace_name = tsf.tablespace_name (+)
and 100 - floor(tsf.free_mb/tsu.used_mb*100) >= 80
order by 3,4
Tablespace                                            Size MB %Used Add (80%)
-------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----- ---------
APPS_TS_NOLOGGING_AUTO                                    150    82         4
APPS_TS_SEED_AUTO                                        3072    85       185
SYSTEM                                                  13312    88      1257
APPS_TS_INTERFACE_AUTO                                   3107    89       322
APPS_TS_ARCHIVE_AUTO                                     1822    94       306
APPS_TS_SUMMARY_AUTO                                     1667    95       311
APPS_TS_QUEUES_AUTO                                      1899    96       362
APPS_TS_MEDIA_AUTO                                      31614    96      6068
APPS_TS_TX_DATA_AUTO                                   171556    96     33019
MGIXX_CONV                                              35408    97      7329
MGIXX_IDX                                              272572    97     54635
APPS_TS_TX_IDX_AUTO                                     82982    98     18637
12 rows selected.

User quotas on all tablespaces

col quota format a10
select username
,      tablespace_name
,      decode(max_bytes, -1, 'unlimited'
       , ceil(max_bytes / 1024 / 1024) || 'M' ) "QUOTA"
from   dba_ts_quotas
where  tablespace_name not in ('TEMP')
USERNAME             TABLESPACE_NAME                          QUOTA
-------------------- ---------------------------------------- ----------
AP                   APPS_TS_TX_IDX_AUTO                      unlimited
OE                   APPS_TS_TX_IDX_AUTO                      unlimited
EGO                  APPS_TS_TX_DATA_AUTO                     unlimited
AR                   APPS_TS_TX_IDX_AUTO                      unlimited
JTF                  APPS_TS_TX_IDX_AUTO                      unlimited

List all objects in a tablespace

set pages 999
col owner format a15
col segment_name format a40
col segment_type format a20
select owner
,      segment_name
,      segment_type
from   dba_segments
where  lower(tablespace_name) like lower('%&tablespace%')
order by owner, segment_name
OWNER           SEGMENT_NAME                             SEGMENT_TYPE
--------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------
ANDY            BIN$Q+k4qsgBLNngRAAQg5ZRWg==$0           INDEX
ANDY            BIN$Q+k4qsgCLNngRAAQg5ZRWg==$0           TABLE
ANDY            BIN$Q+k4qsgELNngRAAQg5ZRWg==$0           INDEX
ANDY            BIN$Q+k4qsgFLNngRAAQg5ZRWg==$0           TABLE
ANDY            BOX                                      TABLE
ANDY            BOX_PK                                   INDEX
ANDY            CD                                       TABLE
ANDY            CD_PK                                    INDEX
ANDY            LOCATION                                 TABLE
ANDY            LOCATION_PK                              INDEX
ANDY            LOTS_OF_ROWS                             TABLE
ANDY            POO                                      TABLE
ANDY            SERVERS                                  TABLE
ANDY            SYS_C0023466                             INDEX
ANDY            SYS_C0023467                             INDEX
ANDY            SYS_C0027234                             INDEX
ANDY            TEST_TABLE                               TABLE
ANDY            TRACK                                    TABLE
ANDY            TRACK_PK                                 INDEX

19 rows selected.

Show all tablespaces used by a user

select tablespace_name
, ceil(sum(bytes) / 1024 / 1024) "MB"
from dba_extents
where owner like '&user_id'
group by tablespace_name
order by tablespace_name
TABLESPACE_NAME                                  MB
---------------------------------------- ----------
ANDY_DATA                                         9
ANDY_INDEX                                        15

2 rows selected.

Create a temporary tablespace

create temporary tablespace temp
tempfile '<file_name>' size 500M

Alter a databases default temporary tablespace

alter database default temporary tablespace temp

Show segments that are approaching max_extents

col segment_name format a40
select owner
, segment_type
, segment_name
, max_extents - extents as "spare"
, max_extents
from dba_segments
where owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM')
and (max_extents - extents) < 10
order by 4
To change maxextents
alter <segment_type> <segment_name> storage(maxextents 150);

List the contents of the temporary tablespace(s)

set pages 999 lines 100
col username format a15
col mb format 999,999
select  su.username
,       ses.sid 
,       ses.serial#
,       su.tablespace
,       ceil((su.blocks * dt.block_size) / 1048576) MB
from    v$sort_usage    su
,       dba_tablespaces dt
,       v$session ses
where   su.tablespace = dt.tablespace_name
and     su.session_addr = ses.saddr
USERNAME               SID    SERIAL# TABLESPACE                            MB
--------------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------- --------
REP_USER               117       1243 TEMP                                  25
APP_DATA_OWNER          81         32 TEMP                                 231

2 rows selected.

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