Saturday, January 22, 2011

Performance - Query Tuning

Create a plan table


To switch it on:
column plan_plus_exp format a100

set autotrace on explain   # Displays the execution plan only. 
set autotrace traceonly explain # dont run the query
set autotrace on  # Shows the execution plan as well as statistics of the statement. 
set autotrace on statistics  # Displays the statistics only. 
set autotrace traceonly      # Displays the execution plan and the statistics

To switch it off:
set autotrace off  

Explain plan

explain plan for
select ...

explain plan set statement_id = 'bad1' for

Then to see the output...
set lines 100 pages 999

Find a query's hash
Put something unique in the like clause
select hash_value, sql_text
from v$sqlarea
where sql_text like '%TIMINGLINKS%FOLDERREF%'
Grab the sql associated with a hash

select sql_text
from v$sqlarea
where hash_value = '&hash'
Look at a query's stats in the sql area
select executions
, cpu_time
, disk_reads
, buffer_gets
, rows_processed
, buffer_gets / executions
from v$sqlarea
where hash_value = '&hash'

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