Saturday, January 22, 2011

Performance - AWR

  • Display a list of snapshots

  • Produce a report

  • To see the snapshot interval and retention period

  • Change the snapshot interval

  • Change the retention period

  • Manually take a snapshot

  • List all baselines

  • Create a baseline

  • Remove a baseline

  • Enable/Disable automatic snapshots

  • Time model queries

  • Produce an Active Session History (ASH) report

  • Display a list of snapshots

    set lines 100 pages 999
    select snap_id
    , snap_level
    , to_char(begin_interval_time, 'dd/mm/yy hh24:mi:ss') begin
    from dba_hist_snapshot 
    order by 1

    Produce a report

    To see the snapshot interval and retention period

    col snap_interval format a30
    col retention format a30
    select snap_interval
    , retention
    from dba_hist_wr_control

    Change the snapshot interval
    Note. This example changes it to 30 minutes
    exec dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings (interval => 30)

    Change the retention period
    Note. This example changes it to two weeks (14 days)
    exec dbms_workload_repository.modify_snapshot_settings (retention => 14*24*60)

    Manually take a snapshot

    exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot

    List all baselines

    set lines 100
    col baseline_name format a40
    select baseline_id
    , baseline_name
    , start_snap_id
    , end_snap_id 
    from dba_hist_baseline
    order by 1

    Create a baseline

    exec dbms_workload_repository.create_baseline (<start snap>, <endsnap>,'<name>')

    Remove a baseline

    exec dbms_workload_repository.drop_baseline('<baseline name>')

    Enable/Disable automatic snapshots
    Note. This job is enabled by default
    exec dbms_scheduler.enable('GATHER_STATS_JOB')

    and to disable...
    exec dbms_scheduler.disable('GATHER_STATS_JOB')

    Time model queries
    System time model
    set lines 100 pages 999
    select stat_name
    , value
    from v$sys_time_model
    order by value desc
    Session time model
    set lines 100 pages 999
    select stat_name
    , value
    from v$sess_time_model
    where sid = '&sid'
    order by value desc

    Produce an Active Session History (ASH) report


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