Saturday, January 22, 2011

Show the ten largest objects in the database

Show the ten largest objects in the database

col owner format a15
col segment_name format a30
col segment_type format a15
col mb format 999,999,999
select  owner
, segment_name
, segment_type
, mb
from (
 select owner
 , segment_name
 , segment_type
 , bytes / 1024 / 1024 "MB"
 from dba_segments
 order by bytes desc
where rownum < 11

OWNER           SEGMENT_NAME                   SEGMENT_TYPE              MB
--------------- ------------------------------ --------------- ------------
MYAPP           TRANS_LOG                      TABLE                  7,880
MYAPP           DESCRIPTION                    INDEX                  6,028
MYAPP           EVT_LOG                        TABLE                  4,984
ARCHIVE         EVT_LOG                        TABLE                  3,080
MYAPP           ATTRIBUTES                     TABLE                  2,312
MYAPP           UNIQUE_EVT                     INDEX                  2,129
MYAPP           EVT_HOSTNAME                   INDEX                  1,409
MYAPP           SOURCE                         INDEX                  1,407

8 rows selected.

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